Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dahlia Hedge: June 2010 Wettest Month Ever in Oregon

June did arrive with record levels of rainfall here in Oregon. Statewide historical records were all broken and it was the wettest June in modern history.

Our helpful Pro informed us this would make for an unusual "blooming" period for the our Dahlias. Many of his associates had told him of how the massive rain had sometimes even ruined  their own Dahlia's. We seemed to hold-up fairly well thru June. This was when we met the garden guys "slug" & "snail". Just a little bit of snail bait applied 2X in June seemed to do the trick after we noticed one morning that some chomping had gone on.

Most of the pictures below are after the rain - last week of June. As you can tell we have big growth on some of the Dahlia's and zero on some. Exactly how our tutor predicted might happen due to the wacky wetness of this month.

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