Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dahlia Hedge: July - The Action Begins!

After such a gloomy June - we welcomed back the sun this month and things went wild! We did only get 7 to grow from the original 10 - but our Pro told us thats not so bad considering the wet wet July we just experienced.

The four at the eastern end of the hedge have done the best - they do get the best and longest sun of the day.
Unfortunately as well, one morning we found that #3 (from east) had been bitten down in half by what we imagine is was a mammal (racoon?) thinking there was fruit up top.

We are still watering around the bulbs that did not come up - stranger things have happened. The ones that have started up together are now app. just a little taller than 2 feet.

The one that got chomped in half is trying to make a comeback!

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